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Connecting your bot

How to connect up your bots to your internal communications platform
Connecting your bot to WorkplaceHow to connect your bot to Workplace
Workplace Integration PermissionsWhat workplace permissions do I need and why?
Who can connect a bot to a Workplace instance?The required settings to connect up a Workplace bot
Switching Workplace InstancesHow to switch instances on Workplace
Updating the logo, name and description of your Workplace botHow to edit your Workplace bot icon/profile image, name and description
Locking a Workplace bot down to a groupHow to limit bot access to a certain group or groups on Workplace
Connecting your bot to MS TeamsHow to connect your bot to Teams
Teams Permissions OverviewA breakdown of what permissions are used to connect a TBP bot to Teams
Policies and permissions to connect a TBP bot to MS TeamsSome tips to ensure you have the correct policies and permissions to add bots to Microsoft Teams
Making a Teams bot multi-tenantHow to add a Teams bot to multiple tenants
Editing your bot icon, name and description on Microsoft TeamsHow to edit your Microsoft Teams bot logo/profile image, name and description