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Tagging a user in a Workplace group
Tagging a user in a Workplace group

How to tag and notify a user that they have been mentioned in a Workplace group via a bot

Melita Gandham avatar
Written by Melita Gandham
Updated over a week ago

Users can now tag colleagues in a Workplace group, via a bot. You can tag up to 10 colleagues in a group post by typing the email addresses into a bot flow.


• create detailed Workplace group posts, which incorporate user tags and images

• tag users in Workplace posts without having to use middleware

• build a complete recognition programme using native TBP functionality

How it works

1) Create your message

To explain how this functionality works, we will be building a simple recognition flow. First of all, create your message and add a Q&A message part. Add text to your message part which asks the user to type in the Workplace email address of the user they are nominating.

2) Configure your Q&A settings

Click on the the cog in the Q&A message part to set up your Q&A. Create or select your attribute from the first drop down menu, and select "Workplace user email address" in the second drop down menu:

This setting will ensure that only valid Workplace email addresses are accepted when typed in.

Now choose or create the reply messages to send if the Workplace email is correct or incorrect:

The "Choose a message to send if the email provided isn't valid" dropdown menu should contain the message that tells the user to double check the email address and retype it in. The "Choose a message to send if given a valid response" will send the user to the next part of the flow.

Once you're happy with your Q&A settings, click save.

Then save your message.

3) Edit your invalid response message

The invalid response message will be sent to users who input an incorrect Workplace email address. You will need to add a message part which explains that the email address could not be verified, and then Q&A message part with settings that are identical to the Q&A in the previous message.

Save your Q&A settings and then your message.

4) Edit your valid response message

This message will be sent to users who entered valid email addresses. This message will contain a text box which will be sent to the user (containing a thanks message of some sorts), as well as a Group Post message part. This message part will contain the message that'll be posted to your required group.

You will need to include the following in your Group Post message part:

• your name using {{first_name}} {{last_name}}, so your colleagues know who submitted the nomination

• the person you are nominating using the attribute you set up in the Q&A (in this example - {{$nominee}}). You must include an @ symbol to ensure the user(s) is tagged. Type the @ symbol in first, which will then in turn launch the attributes list:

You can also add an image to your Group post message part, which will be posted alongside your text.

NB. You can tag up to 10 people in a Workplace group post

Once you have added the above, your message should look like this:

Save your message.

5) Test your bot flow

Now for the best part - time to test how your flow works! Go through the bot flow and enter your information.

Once you've gone through the whole flow, make sure you keep an eye out for group notifications. Your group post will be posted as soon as the Group post message has been triggered.

Things to note

• You can easily tag other users in a Group Post message part, without having to get the bot user to input a name. This feature can be used by bot admins to direct updates and alerts to certain staff members. So for example, say a user was using an FAQ bot, and needed to escalate a query to a consistent point of contact. You can add the point of contact's Workplace email address in to the Group Post message part using this format:


This is how it would look in the platform:

The @'d contact will then be tagged in the Workplace Group Post every time it is triggered by a bot user.

We have used a recognition flow in this example, but you can use this functionality for a plethora of use cases. If you would like to chat through any ideas, then reach out to us on Intercom.

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