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Group Triggers

Trigger a message to send when someone joins or leaves a Workplace group.

Sophie Barfield avatar
Written by Sophie Barfield
Updated over a year ago

Group triggers are one-off messages that you can send to a member of your Workplace community when they join or leave a Workplace group. This helps to increase bot engagement and to target specific people.

For example, you could send out a welcome message from your New Starter Bot when someone joins your all company group. Or, send out updates for an event when they join the event group. Likewise, when someone leaves a group, you could ask for feedback as to why or trigger an exit interview bot when someone leaves.

How it works

1) Go to the "Group triggers" section of the platform

To do this, select 'Group triggers' under Auto Replies:

2) Create your group trigger and type

Hit 'Create Group Trigger' and choose whether you want to send the message when someone joins or leaves the group:

3) Select your group

Next, select the group(s) that should trigger the message. If your group isn't appearing when you search for it, check that you have the 'Read group content' and 'Read group membership' permissions ticked on your integration in Workplace and hit the 'Refresh groups' button on the platform:

4) Choose your message

Hit 'Save' and then choose the message you would like to send when someone takes that action and click save again:

5) Save your group trigger

After you've saved your settings, you will see that your group trigger has been enabled in the group trigger menu:

Now, when someone joins my Workplace group 'General', they will be sent a message from my new starter bot. In the screenshot, so far nobody has triggered my message. When they do that Trigger Count will go up each time the message is triggered by someone joining the General group. You can stop the trigger by deleting it.

Things to note

Please note that you can send group triggers to open, closed and secret groups.

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