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Create a quiz on Teams

How to create engaging quiz bots on The Bot Platform

Melita Gandham avatar
Written by Melita Gandham
Updated over a week ago

Quiz bots are a great way to engage employees in the following ways:

• Test people on specific training modules or compliance

• Check new starters have been fully onboarded

• Set up tournaments for group socials

• Test people whilst they are watching/after they've attended events or webinars

Setting up a quiz on Teams is easy with The Bot Platform. Follow the steps below to set up your own quiz bot.

How it works

1) Plan out your quiz script and sign it off

Planning is crucial to the success of your bot. We recommend writing out and signing off your quiz flow first, in order to avoid any rerouting of messages later.

2) Start building your bot

Head to The Bot Platform and edit your first message - this will be your Welcome Message. In this message, we recommend explaining what the quiz is, how many questions it includes/how long it will take to complete, and if there are any prizes/shout outs involved for taking part or winning. Including a GIF spruces the message up too!

3) Create your first question

Now type out your first question, and add in answers to the question as buttons.

4) Edit your button settings

For each button, use the "Save user attribute and send message" setting, then add in an attribute, a value and a response message. The attribute will be the same for each question. In my example, each button in Question One will be assigned the attribute "Q1". The name of your attribute is totally up to you and can be changed later on in the Manage Attributes section.

Use the value section to add in your score - add in a 1 for the correct answer and 0 for the incorrect answers. We will use this set up to create variations in the answer response message in a moment. This will also help you establish which users have answered correctly when you view your data download later on.

5) Create your question responses as a variation

To create a more engaging quiz, we want to send responses to the users based on how they answered. You can do this by setting up a variation in each of the question responses. You will have three variations in each question response - a default, a correct response and and incorrect response.

Let's create the rules of the variations first. For the correct response, name your variation "Q1 Correct", and set the rule as $Q1 equal to 1. This means that any users that clicked on the right answer in the previous question message (and therefore got assigned value 1 in the backend of the bot) will receive a message telling them they are right.

For the correct response, name your variation "Q1 Incorrect", and set the rule as $Q1 equal to 0. This means that any users that clicked on the wrong answer in the previous question message (and therefore got assigned value 0 in the backend of the bot) will receive a message telling them they are wrong.

Next we'll go in an add content for each of these variations. Here is the content I added for the correct response:

And here is what I added for the incorrect response:

You will notice that each response tells the user how they did, what the right answer was, and encourages them to carry on through the flow. The message should always end in a button linking to the next message (in this case Question 2).

You will also notice that there is a Default variation. The default variation is sent to a user who does not match the rules of the other two variations. It is rare the the user will receive this message as they will have gone through the flow of the bot from the top. However it's good to have in place to avoid any dead ends in your flow, so we recommend keeping this message neutral:

6) Go through and repeat for all questions

Build out the rest of your flow using the same steps above.

In the final question response of your flow, make sure the last button says "Finish quiz" and create an outro message as your reply message:

7) Create your outro message

Use your outro message to wrap up your quiz and congratulate the user for completing it. You can also set an attribute here to mark if users have completed the quiz or not. If some users haven't completed the quiz, you can send them a nudge requesting that they complete the bot flow.

8) Access your data

To see how your quizzers scored in your quiz, head to the data download section and download the CSV of data. We then recommend using Sheets/Excel functionality to tot up scores to see how people did. You can also send the results straight to an external spreadsheet using our Send to Spreadsheet feature.

9) Broadcast messages with prizes (optional)

If your quiz was a competition which involved prizes, you can broadcast a message to the top quizzers using the Segments feature. First build a message which contains a prize or a congrats message, the create a segment containing all of your top quizzers, and schedule your broadcast to those happy quizzers!

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