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Manage attributes

How to view, edit and delete attributes used with your bot

Melita Gandham avatar
Written by Melita Gandham
Updated over a week ago

You can manage the attributes used in your bot in the "Manage attributes" section of the platform. This allows you to views all your bot's attributes, as well what what messages and broadcasts they've been used in. You also have the ability to edit, rename and delete your attributes in this section.

How it works

1) Go to the "Manage attributes" section of the platform

Simply click the "Manage attributes" button in the left-hand grey bar (under People & Privacy) to access these details:

Once you have done that, you will be able to see all the attributes used within your bot:

Each attribute will be presented beside its ID and locations, as well as an edit button.

You will be able to clearly see where each attribute is used within your bot, whether it's in a message, variation or or un-sent broadcast.

2) Edit or view more information about your attribute

You can find out more about the attribute by clicking the blue "Edit" button. When you click "Edit", you will be taken to this page:

Here you can see a brief summary of where your attribute can be found. Each message will show the location of the attribute too, whether it's in a button, quick reply, Q&A or recalled back as part of a message part. You can access the message that the attribute is used in by clicking on the message name.

3) Changing the name of your attribute

The name of the attribute can also be changed. Simply edit the name at the top, then press the save button once you are happy with it:

Deleting attributes

Please note, that you will only be able to delete attributes if they are no longer being used in the bot. This will clearly be outlined in the "Manage attributes" section, with the red "Delete" button becoming more prominent once no uses are found.

You can delete your attribute by either going to the message it's used in through the message list or by clicking the edit button in the Manage attributes section and clicking through to the messages there.

If your attribute has been used in a variation, simply go to the Manage attributes page, and delete the intended variation:

If your attribute appears in any un-sent broadcasts, you can go to the broadcast section of the platform and delete the specific broadcast in which your attribute appears. You could also wait for the specific broadcast to be sent before you delete the attribute.

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