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Broadcast by attribute

How to send a scheduled message out to users based on their attributes

Melita Gandham avatar
Written by Melita Gandham
Updated over a week ago

If you've decided to use attributes in your bot, then good news! You can start broadcasting to users based on the attributes they have selected. All you need to do is set up a message to assign a user to an attribute, and then create a broadcast that will be targeted towards them based on the attribute that is assigned to them.

Step one - build your message and set your attributes
First up, create a message that will allow the user to select an attribute to apply to them. I want to ask the user what company value is important to them, so I've built a text part for the question, and then added quick replies for the answers.

To give each answer an attribute, go into the button settings (accessed through the cog). Select "Save user attribute and send a message". More options should appear. Then type in the name of your attribute - I've chosen to call mine "company-value". You can add a tag value to your attribute, but for the sake of saving time, I've kept mine the same as the button. Once that's done, choose or create a reply message and save your settings!

Once you're happy with your message, click the save button below the message preview.

Step two - create your broadcast message
Now it's time to create the broadcast message. This is the broadcast message I've built - I want to ask the user to expand on the answer they selected in the values question:

Once you're happy with your message, click save.

Step three - schedule your broadcast
Go to the broadcast section of the platform and choose the message you'd like to broadcast. Tick "target to attribute", and select your attribute from the drop down menu (in my case - company-value). Now select "equal to" and type in your user attribute value (make sure it's identical to the button in your message if you didn't add a tag). You can see how I scheduled my post below:

Set when you want the broadcast to go out, and click "schedule"

The users that selected "Work hard" should then receive this broadcast:

Targeting by numbers
You can also schedule broadcasts based on numbers - this would be useful if you've created a quiz. So for example, I made a Big Quiz with the attribute big-quiz-score. I wanted to send out a congratulations message to those who scored more than 9 so I did the following:

Selecting the middle drop down menu gives you a lot of flexibility with who you can send a broadcast to. Remember that only "equal to" can be used with letters and words.

Need a bit more help? Find out more about broadcasts here and attributes here.

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