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How do multi response messages work?
How do multi response messages work?

How to make your conversation more engaging

Melita Gandham avatar
Written by Melita Gandham
Updated over a week ago

Multi response messages allow you to create a bank of responses to make the conversation feel more engaging.

So for example, you can send a different response each time someone types “hello”. Keep in mind that the messages do not automatically send after one another. They need to be prompted by your keyword(s) and/or buttons.

For multi response messages, it’s best to start from the end – so plan and build your responses first. Responses are built as regular messages, so just click create message in the top right corner to get started as usual.

My messages are going to be a response to the question “How are you feeling today?”. I’m going to add five moods to respond to my question: curious, forlorn, excitable, intrigued and robotic. The classic five emotions of a bot. These responses are first built as regular messages, as seen below.

You can build each message however you like. But for the time being, we’re sticking to one word in one text message part.

Now that my responses have been built, it’s time to build what they’re responding to. Click the “create a new multi response message” in the top right corner, and add your title. In this case, I have used the question “How are you feeling today?”

You can also add categories to your multi response message. However you cannot create these within the multi response page – they will have to be created in a regular message page (good to do whilst building your responses).

You can then start adding in your responses by selecting from the drop down menu.

You can also send your responses in order. You can do this by clicking the “In order” radio button on the top right of the message list. You can also move the messages around, using the handy arrow buttons.

Once you’re happy with your responses and their order, click that save button!

The last step is to set up one or multiple keywords for your message. For this example, my keywords are going to be “how are you feeling, what is your mood”. I’ll then choose my multi response message (entitled “How are you feeling today?”) as my response. Then save.

Push those changes live and let’s head to Messenger to test!

Type in your keywords, and you will get your programmed responses, as seen below.

You can also have a bit of fun with your multi response messages. Say I have a Master Splinter bot and I want to ask him who is favourite teenage mutant ninja turtle is. I’d follow the same steps above, but replace the title with “Who is your favourite Ninja Turtle?” and the keywords with “who is your favourite ninja turtle”. You can see the responses I programmed below.

I added a quick reply as an extra layer of conversation to trigger the next response. Once I click “Huh?”, I met with the message that says:

The beauty of multi response messages is that the audience never know what they’re going to get, so it’s good to really get creative with your responses! Just make sure your keywords and messages are connected properly, and you’re on your way to creating an extra exciting conversation.

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