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Visual Menus on Slack

Send content-rich menus from your Slack bot

Melita Gandham avatar
Written by Melita Gandham
Updated over a year ago

A visual menu is a message part which includes text, an image, up to 10 cards and up to 10 buttons. Visual menus are a great way to send users menus and navigational tools, or present certain information in a compact way.

Let's explore how to use visual menus below!

How visual menus work

Here is our Perks Portal bot. The Perks Portal is a bot used to curate and organise all of your company's benefits and perks in one easy to access place. The bot is made up of a main menu which breaks the benefits down into certain categories, and then connects to multiple sub-menus which contain links to the perks themselves. This is how the main menu is laid out in the platform:

And this is how it looks in Slack:

Elsewhere in the bot, the visual menu utilises the individual cards in order to build up a more visual menu style (similar to carousels). Here is how a visual-rich menu looks in the platform:

And this is how it looks in Slack:

You can see that each option has it's own row, visual, title, subtitle and button which links out to the corresponding content.


As a reminder, each visual menu can:

β€’ hold up to ten cards (this would be a row in your menu)

β€’ each card can hold up to 10 buttons, with a character limits of 20 characters per button

β€’ include a title of up to 80 characters per row

β€’ include a subtitle of up to 80 characters per row

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