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Use a sequence to send a series of messages to your users over a period of time

Franz Vitulli avatar
Written by Franz Vitulli
Updated over a week ago

With a sequence, your bot can proactively reach out to a segment of users at certain intervals. The user must be added to a segment in order to start receiving the messages in the sequence, via "Add to segment" message part or after opting in to the segment. The first sequence message will then be sent at the set interval after the user was added to the segment, and any further message will be sent at whatever delay is set for each message.


• send people messages at a specific cadence to communicate information easily and clearly

• build useful and info-filled onboarding campaigns across a new starter's first week

• split up large campaigns into an easy to digest, pre-planned feed so users don't experience information overload

How it works

(N.B.: this functionality is currently in beta. If you have questions or thoughts while using it, reach out to us. Your feedback is extremely valuable to shape its first version)

1) Name your sequence

For this example, we're going to set up a sequence that sends out modules from the Compliance Team, so I am going to name my sequence "Compliance Training":

2) Set days of the week

You will then be asked to choose the days of the week what you would like your messages to be sent out on. This feature stops any messages been sent out on weekends, for example. If the delay you set is due to send a message on a day that you haven't highlighted, the bot will send the message at the earliest possible desired date.

3) Set up your audience

The sequence of messages will be triggered for users that are added to a segment in two ways:

  • Using the "Add to segment" message part. It's a transparent message part that adds a user to a segment when the bot sends them a message.

  • Clicking on a button that was set up so that the user could opt in to the segment.

When you're editing your sequence, you need to specify which segment people need to get added to or opt in to in order to start receiving the sequence. To do so, click "Select a segment in the Segment box and pick an existing segment. Bear in mind:

  • You won't be able to successfully set up a sequence for a segment already used in another sequence

  • If you start typing the name of a segment and it doesn't exist, you will be able to create one at that point by clicking "Create new":

4) Set messages and delays

After setting name and segment, it's time to create the actual sequence with message and delays. Each step of the sequence allows you to set:

  • How much time should pass from the previous event (being added to a segment in the case of the first message, the previous message in case of all other messages).

  • The message to send.

Click on "Edit" inside the Step box and you will see the delay editor:

Once you've set the desired delay, click "Save changes". Then choose the message:

A searchable dropdown will help you identify which message you want to send at that point.

Once you're done for that step, the box will contain a nice recap of what the bot will do at that step, with Edit and Delete buttons:

5) Preview your timeline sample

6) Push the sequence live

Once you've set all the steps of your sequence, hit "Save"—you will be brought to your list of sequences. At that point, when the sequence is all set, you will be able to enter the sequence editor again and push it live:

You will be asked if you are sure if you want to push your sequence live - once you have done this, you will not be able to make any changes to your sequence so please make sure to double check your flow before putting it live.

7) View your live sequence in the sequence list

Once your sequence is live, it will show up in the list on the sequences page (similar to the broadcast page):

Once the sequence is live:

  • It can be cancelled but it cannot be edited anymore

  • You can see how the sequence is built by clicking the "Preview" button, which will give you a list of delays and messages. The messages link directly to the message builder for you to see what each message's content is and/or if you want to tweak something:

  • You can download a CSV report which contains a thorough log of message scheduled, sent, or cancelled. This will help you know which messages have been sent, who has received what message, which message was cancelled, and generally speaking, where people are in the sequence, all timestamped and with appropriate notes

💡Pro tip

You can’t put a sequence live if it’s contains incomplete messages - you will receive an error message at the top of the page, asking you to add message parts to your incomplete message.

We discourage adding test or dummy content into your sequence messages. Add minimum viable content, so you can update later if needed. Adding “test” , “error” or “dummy” can be hit risk if the message went out without being edited prior.

If needed, you can add segment message part into message and send into a new sequence. You can use this chaining of sequence to link people to brand new content whilst keeping them in a specific cadence.

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