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Broadcast Status

Understanding the statuses on the broadcasts page

Sophie Barfield avatar
Written by Sophie Barfield
Updated over a week ago

When you create a broadcast you will find it listed on the broadcast page. This table shows the status and progress of each broadcast:

Status: This will change to show what's happening with your broadcast:

Scheduled: The bot has not started doing anything with your broadcast; the scheduled date is in the future

Gathering list of people: The platform is gathering the list of people to whom it will try to send the broadcast; this can take some time to complete. The platform has to check for the various criteria you have set and to whom it applies before the final audience count can be confirmed.

Sending: The bot is actively sending your broadcast

Completed: The bot has finished sending your broadcast

Cancelled: The bot was unable to find the audience for the broadcast so stopped trying to send after a number of failed attempts

Audience: The total number of people to whom the bot will try to send your broadcast based on the target audience you have set.

Sent: The number of people to whom the platform has successfully sent your full broadcast.

N.B. This does not mean the number of people who have read or acted on your broadcast, just that the message was sent. There are a number of reasons that this may not show 100% - these will be due to the Meta or Microsoft API rejecting the post for some reason, e.g. not being able to send to that person because they've blocked the bot.

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