2/11/18 Product Update

Here are the most recent changes to the platform

Sophie Barfield avatar
Written by Sophie Barfield
Updated over a week ago

Favourites feature for the side menu

To help navigate your way quickly around the platform, we have created a starred favouriting system. Hit the star and the link to that section of the platform will be added to the favourites section at the top of the menu so it's easy for you to find next time.

New People & Privacy Section
We take data privacy very seriously, this section is where you can download any responses from your users (previously under analytics), mark something as PII or create messages for users to consent, withdraw, see their data and delete it.

Mark a user attribute as PII
This means that, should you wish to collect personally identifiable information, for example for a competition, you can now do so and ensure that consent is gained before collecting it. Read more here. 

Whitelisting users (Workplace-only)
If you want to lock a bot down to a select few, you can now whitelist users by their Messenger ID or email address (email is Workplace only). This ensures the bot will only respond to those users. Please note, the bot can still be found by all users.

Save & schedule broadcast button

Often you need to send out a broadcast quickly. This new button, found at the bottom of the message builder, lets you quickly save your message and jump straight to the 'Schedule Broadcast' page.

Default Image
This enables you to set a default image that will appear automatically whenever you add an image or carousel to a message. It can act as a placeholder or to ensure consistent branding.

Handover Protocol (Messenger-only)
This provides the option for a person to ask to 'speak with a human' and thus the bot stops interacting until they opt (or are opted) back into the bot allowing a human to talk to them via the Facebook Inbox. More about this feature.

Delete messages that are incomplete or have previously been broadcasted
Deleting these messages from your message list will help to keep it organised and purposeful.

Edit a message that is set to be broadcast at anytime
Although we previously restricted this, we understood the need to make last minute edits to your broadcast message. Now the platform will warn you that a message is due to be broadcast and you can make edits right up until the last minute.

Send the same broadcast more than once per day
We have now removed the restriction in favour of showing a warning instead. This will help with testing messages, first to a small group, and then your intended audience.

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